Thursday, April 15, 2010

Our last day in Tianjin

I know you won't believe it ;), however, I'm having a hard time today. Grace came by our room to go over our paperwork that we would need in Guangzhou and to interpret a letter the foster mom wrote, and her baby journals. They were both very touching. I am overwhelmed with the love her foster mom had for her; she was a wonderful mother and for this, I am so very grateful!! Through God's providence and sovereignty, ZhenZhen has been cared for in a loving family that constantly worked with her to make her a "normal" child. We realize, that we've been granted a wonderful blessing, but also a tremendous responsibility in maintaining and providing an environment that continues in this as well as one that glorifies the Lord - and this is our prayer. I would love to stay in touch with the foster mom, however, it is not allowed in China to do so. The orphanage will allow us to email them pictures, and we hope that they will be forwarded them to her mom. I just can't imaging the feeling the foster mom and family are feeling right now. Please continue to pray for this family!
We pick up ZhenZhen's passport this afternoon and then catch a flight to Guangzhou. We will have until Friday in Guangzhou before we return to America. (they call it America instead of the US).
Will post more once we get settled in Guangzhou.



Deb said...

After seeing firsthand the heartbreak of foster parents having to give up a child after only a few months, I can not imagine how ZhenZhen's foster family must be feeling. My prayers go out to them today. But I am convinced this was all orchestrated by our God and it is His will for ZhenZhen to be a Scheele. I can't wait to see what this little "fireball" brings to the dynamics of your home, your community, and your church family!!
Sending our love and prayers, Deb

Ami said...

Detra and family-
Becki just told me about your blog. I am overwhelmed and so proud - of you all! I have tears of joy and thankfulness for you all. I know it's tough days ahead, but there are so many blessings in the hard time. Strive to see them, as I know you will. I also feel so proud of Samuel and Peter and what awesome, Godly boys they are...all because of such great parents!
I am praying for you all...and your sweet, sweet addition to your family!!!
With love from South Africa- Ami

PS- I remember you asking me about referring to the US as 'America'...that's what everyone here calls it too! :)

Ryan Tompkins said...

What a blessing that she has been cared for so well!

Not only is she beautiful, but I keep enjoying how she is giving everyone a run for their money.