Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 3 in Tianjin

Today we spent the entire morning visiting the necessary official offices. The sun was shining, however, with the wind, it was a bit on the chilly side, especially if we were shaded by the buildings (and there are lots of tall buildings in Tianjin!). After our last stop at the police station, we spent about an hour in the Tianjin Wal-Mart. It has 2 stories, but not near the selection or square footage as our Rockwall Wal-Mart. Due to not being able to do laundry, Peter had run out of long pants; we got a chuckle when he had to buy a 2XXL (and they were still a bit snug!). Zhen Zhen had a great time walking around with the boys today. BaBa bought her a Chinese style faux Barbie doll, and she had her nails painted as we were leaving Wal-Mart. I was thrilled to find out that her favorite color is pink. She will love her new room. She is so proud of her pink nails – Rob says that we are in trouble!! She has been a joy today; however, tonight she teared up again before going to bed. We all gathered around her, held hands, and prayed. She definitely doesn’t like to be told no. I don’t recall S & P being too fond of it either at the age of 6 years old. Matter of fact, I don’t like it too much myself!!

We experienced the neatest eatery. It’s called the “Hot Pot”. We all think one would go over really well in Rockwall. There are these seasoned pots of water on a burner in front of your seat (the burner is under the counter). You have choices of meat (beef or lamb), then a choice from a number of vegetables. Noodles and an egg were also available. A bowl of peanut sauce with a type of hot sauce (for customization) to add to the peanut sauce was supplied for you to dip your cooked meat and vegetables in. There was no silverware, so we were forced to use chopsticks (Zhen Zhen came to us knowing how to use a spoon and fork – not chopsticks!). Hands down, it has been the best meal that we’ve had so far while in China.
Zhen Zhen fell asleep lying next to Samuel. I cannot tell you how proud I am of Samuel and Peter. Her face always lights up when they come into the room, and their continued help is making this trip much more pleasant for all of us! Right now, she’s the number one gal in both of their lives, and we’re good with that. They’re so patient, kind, loving, and protective – it’s good to see that in these young men.
We are so thankful for your continued prayers. God indeed has been gracious, giving us far more than we ever deserve. We are so in love with this little girl and we know that you all will fall in love with her too! We are reminded in Romans 8:28 that we are called to live a life here on earth for His purpose. However weak our flesh is, may the Lord continue to grant us strength!!

Much love to all of you!
Romans 8:28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.


Ryan Tompkins said...
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Ryan Tompkins said...

Peanut sauce makes anything edible. Glad to read it is going as well as can be expected, and I'm so glad that Samuel and Peter have adopted her as fast as you and Rob. She looks precious, and we can't wait to welcome her.

Molly and Charlotte continue to pray for Lydia, and they are terribly excited to meet her.

Thinking of and praying for you,

Unknown said...

SO glad to read of today's adventures. Lydia sounds like she is doing really well. I know the evenings & nights must be so hard for everyone, but the fact that she is having great days is such a comfort--she is content & feels secure with you all. Love seeing those pics with her & the big (BIG 2xxl) boys!
We are praying & so excited.

Robin Levenson said...

Dear Rob & family, I have enjoyed following your amazing adventure. Lydia is beautiful & so fortunate to have found you. I esp love the photos of Lydia w/ her protective big brothers. I hope the remainder of your time in China continues to progress smoothly. It appears things are going fairly well. You are creating wonderful memories w/ your new daughter!! Safe travels home, I look forward to seeing more photos & meeting Lydia. Warm regards, Robin Levenson

Nancy said...

I am just catching up on all your adventures. My heart went out to you all as I read how hard a time you all have had in some areas. But so glad to hear things are going better. Her face just glows in your pictures and oh, we can't wait to see her here! I hope you all are ok--don't know how close you are to the earthquake. But we are praying for you all daily! Love, Nancy

Karen S said...

WOW!!! Talk about a smile that will light up a room! I love the pictures. The boys and Lydia look like they've been a threesome for her whole life. So blessed! Can't wait to meet her and see ya'll again! Take care!