Sunday, February 15, 2009

Paperwork China Bound

Our paperwork is officially scheduled to be sent overnight to China this Friday, February 20th. Our adoption agency, Great Wall, has a branch in Beijing, China. It will be delivered to the CCAA within days. It usually takes 30-45 days before it is officially registered with the CCAA. The day it is registered will be our Log in Date. This is the beginning of our referral process and where the "really" long wait begins.
We can now apply through our agency for the "Waiting Child Program". We feel certain that we will go this route. We ask for prayers as we consider which type of special need's child the Lord wishes for our family. We know that our thoughts and the Lord's are not always in sync. Therefore, we pray that we will have peace when we receive our referral. We have no doubt that the Lord has chosen our child. He has already softened our hearts towards adopting a child with special needs and for this we are thankful!