Monday, September 13, 2010

School has started!!!

We are in full swing & all is going well!! Zhen Zhen had eye surgery in July and is now wearing glasses and patching everyday. We will return in November and see if we need more surgery. We were also given a good report from the neurosurgeon, endocrinologist, and cardiologist. We will visit with them again within the next year. Zhen Zhen has actually grown approx. 2 inches since we had her checked in May - pretty amazing!! She is communicating solely in English and has even forgotten a lot of her Mandarin. (which makes us sad) We had visited a Chinese school in Plano (55 mins from our home) - but realized that unless she had someone to converse with on a daily basis, it would probably be pointless. We're hopeful that our schools will add Mandarin to their foreign language program so that she may pick it up at a later age.
She is loving first grade and we are busy learning our Kindergarten word wall words so that she can start learning the first grade list.
Zhen Zhen has opened up so much and has given us so much information about her life in China. We are so thankful that the Lord chose to place her in our family. She has been such a blessing to us.


The.Ferlands said...

You all look so great! Sounds like Zhen Zhen is enjoying her American life. I'm with you, Cael says he does not remember how to speak Chinese anymore, either. We're trying to find a school for him here in DC...just have to plug in.
Keep us posted!
The Ferlands

Joy Graham said...

You have a beautiful family and Zhen Zhen looks so mature and PRETTY!Rachel Lian loves school also. Detra, do you get the feeling you will go back to adopt again? Coy and I plan to start the paper chase end of April! It would be GREAT to meet you guys at Lucy's! I'm sure it will take a year to get things in order and we are going with the waiting child program again. Adopting Rachel Lian has been such a blessing to our family and I feel that having another child from China in our family will bless us even more.Rachel Lian will have one family member that looks like her too.Tell your husband that I will bring the bug spray and germ killer!:) I will update our blog on Thursday of this week with new pictures. Look forward to hearing from you again soon.
Yours in Christ
Joy Graham