Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I was shocked...

I couldn't believe it when Peter came home and told me that he had signed up to try out for basketball. Peter, the one that would never play basketball on the playground with the other boys, Peter the one that would not play on the "Y" team, and Peter the one that said "basketball is not for me."

I was not going to discourage him. I didn't think that he would make it and if he did, I am sure him being 5'9" had a lot to do with it. Well out of 80-100 boys, they chose 36 boys. Yep, Peter squeezed in there and of course he made the "C" team. Hey, I would much rather be on the bottom and move up!

Their first game was tonight. I stayed home to take Samuel to orchestra (he's my basketball player and he didn't try out). After the game was over, I received a text from my husband. "I think we have a football player". That bad...

On the adoption front, our home study has been approved, so we are on our way to getting our paperwork sent to the CIS for fingerprinting.

My prayer is that Peter does not get discouraged, nor I in the midst of this long wait for our child/children.

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